Tuesday, August 11, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Ridge Walk & 10K Run

I wanted to let you know about an event in San Juan Capistrano which is looking for painters.

This is the second year the Rotary club has sponsored a Ridge Walk on Oct 3 to promote the trail system in SJC. Last year they had hundreds of people out walking one of our trail areas. Community groups set up promotional booths at the trail head and rotary club members & scout groups man water stations at points along the trail.

This will be an annual event.

The Rotary Club would love to have some painters out along the trail and there is space available at the trail head to show the work at the end of the event. They can take people out and back in ATVs so the painters don't have to hike a mile or so to the views.

Pat Peterson is the Rotary Club contact for coordinating participating painters & their transport. Anyone interested should contact Pat at pjpetersen@cox.net

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