Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I hope you can join us for the artist's reception. Some of our new members will be here and many of our friends from the Orange County Southern California Artists group. It will be a fun time to catch-up, feels a little like a reunion! The participating artists will be listed within the next day or two.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Plein Aire during the Ridgewalk

So, after getting up before the sun and taking a wee hike up one of the trails, I found a spot where the flies didn't bite so much and knocked this out in about three hours. Not bad for my second time working outside of a studio! So, this is "Harbor View Trail"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SCA on Facebook

Join us on Facebook! Search for Southern California Artists in Groups. Join in on a discussion and post your events! Hope to see you there! Be sure to "Friend Me" mwhen you do!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Ridge Walk & 10K Run

I wanted to let you know about an event in San Juan Capistrano which is looking for painters.

This is the second year the Rotary club has sponsored a Ridge Walk on Oct 3 to promote the trail system in SJC. Last year they had hundreds of people out walking one of our trail areas. Community groups set up promotional booths at the trail head and rotary club members & scout groups man water stations at points along the trail.

This will be an annual event.

The Rotary Club would love to have some painters out along the trail and there is space available at the trail head to show the work at the end of the event. They can take people out and back in ATVs so the painters don't have to hike a mile or so to the views.

Pat Peterson is the Rotary Club contact for coordinating participating painters & their transport. Anyone interested should contact Pat at

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Mosaic Public Art Commission for the city of Temecula


Eileen and Carole, I'm very happy to see you together in this show. You look great! Congratulations.

I just wanted to share with you my new public art project for the city of Temecula.

It is a mosaic mural for the new civic center building. (7x10 feet). Check this article:

I was also surprised to be a featured artist in The Kitchen and Residential Design blog last Tuesday:

Here is my latest mosaic commission called "Layaleena"

"Layaleena", an Arabic/Lebanese word for "Splendor Nights". It is going to Greece soon. It took 10 months to complete.Size: 4 x 6 feet.
Materials: Smalti, 24 karat gold smalti, granite, marble, onyx, cristallino, mother of pearl, fresh water pearl, hematite, coral, jade and quartz.
See you all soon.
Carole Choucair Oueijan

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Artist-in-Residence Opportunity

Joshua Tree National Park and the Riverside Art Museum Are Looking for Artist-in-Residence Participants. I think your readers will really be interested in this! For more information or to download an application visit

Janell Glessner
RAM Intern

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


From ordinary thinking comes
A start
Of recognition
Something of a part.

Precedes necessity as more
An explanation of what its for.
Slowly the earth turns
Day into night
Leading to thought and brings
An alchemy of beginning.

Trial and error
Pursue each other so,
Frequenting misgivings that I know
Succumb to understanding
Without the sought for factor.
Intuition and not the rule
Of delicate balance
Of the bold and true
Found in a painted, abstract thing.

Thom Wright

Friday, March 6, 2009


I am sorry to say I had to put an extra hurdle in the way of posting comments, but there was an idiot spammer trying to boost hits to their blog. Hopefully this will discourage them a bit!

Who is showing this month?

If you are in a show, let us know! e-mail with all the show info, and a pic to go with it if you have one. Also, there are a lot of empty member pages! Send me a bio or an artist's statement along with 5 photos of your work and I will post them for you. I can help with the photography if you need it as well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

In Process

In Process

The painting stares at me
and I at it,
Thinking what’s wrong,
What’s next to commit.
Then guessing at the change’s hue
and color,
Just a brushstroke here
And there
Unlike any other.

Looking takes the longest time
To decide,
What possibilities may come.
How they might reside.

A palette full of choices
Asks what’s next.
Your mind dabbles,
Wipes a misjudged cue,
What to do.

It’s evident at last,
What mark is just the one,
To make a painting
Whole before it’s done.

Thom Wright, 2009