Monday, January 28, 2008

OCR Art Piece in the News

LABUNA NIGELA: Withdrawn for questionable taste.

Upcoming Frida Kahlo Exhibition San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

SATURDAY JUNE 14, 2008-SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2008: In celebration of Frida Kahlo's 100th anniversary of her birthday, this exhibition is organized by SFMOMA and the Walker Art Center. There will be 50 paintings, photographs of Kahlo as well as her own personal snapshots. This is a traveling exhibition currently being shown at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. A unique opportunity to see Kahlo's original work.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Please check out my exhibit at the Irvine Fine Arts Center through February 23, 2008
I have posted a selection of my wordWorks book and accompanying images. I have more of them at as a result of Randy's invitation to visit this blog.
What might be the memberships' attitude towards my re-involvement in SCA?
Thanks, JF

How many times do we have to start over?
Where is the wind when it leaves the trees?
How far away are the Straights of Dover?
What becomes of the burdened pleas?

Where is the viewpoint in apocalypse?
Doesn’t the smoke burn deep in your eye?
Why do the singing through the eclipse?
What happens when lessons intensify?

Who counsels the legions each day at dawn?
What happens to lifelines left untied?
From where sail the vessels into San Juan?
Why do the four leggeds know when to hide?

How do the sisters know what to say?
How do the brothers know when to fight?
What becomes of the light after day?
Where do the clouds drift during the night?

Copyright 2005- Jeffrey Frisch


While driven carriage suns slowly down their fiery drink
Returning to a solar-lunar cross the skies night race
Sand timing from 10 centuries took place in just a blink
Another world is seething with tenders in its place

Their white bread still traditional looks south toward Hawkers Point
Their home address the land they found beneath 3 jagged rocks
Near the Regent’s reign of narrative needed to anoint
The strip-mined avocation that was never Antioch’s

Earned Cadillac’s and heart attacks across the West Atlantic
Bloom thorny garden flowers of pejorative old time swagger
Harvard Princeton Yale and Army sweat to be pedantic
And never see the last device their next to final stagger

External and extinct inflamed with tested trimming
The population voted twice declaring the adored
Ignoring all overlooked antagonism brimming
10 centuries of screaming proof who might be truly Lord

Copyright 2004 - Jeffrey Frisch


I don’t remember my first spirit pipes
My forefathers’ legacy mountains apart
I don’t recall tracing restless stripes
But winning the race to my loved one’s heart

She’s the second a moment turns to forever
Anything’s everything all counterpart
Hearthside warmth morning rain weather
Our each eyes shine new world songs start

Our ocean’s protected our ancients the hill
The ones before our lives bless us abound
Both ancestors’ spirits sit peaceful and still
See shining down smiling our pathway is found

The old ones from ages and wise ones yet come
Join together our spirits flying blue sky
Help dance us together our spirit drum
Spreading through worlds our love from Kauai

The realm of wordWork


We researched grains of afterglow noon
Storing the Sistine heart’s know-it-all fire
Secret doors closing too permanent soon
Releasing for free our ninth half empire

Your bittersweet burn triggered ways pre-focal
Those soft-noted colors of warm wine and rum
Wrapped-up precocious your feeling’s pre-vocal
My time’s still running where you come from

You come from my mountains my deserts my trees
From wide open spaces of water and smoke
Try pleasing the barber sits poor Damocles
His music begins from his final down stroke

Tarpaper houses naked by scales
Remember the shyness Aquinas lacks
Off-roading over lost logging trails
In worthless sedan chairs almost Pontiac’s

All people that lived here before the white man
Never tested karma with a painters veto
Your painted desert never told the Cheyenne
Delegate ink while its still incognito

Copyright 2004 Jeffrey Frisch

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday at the Art LA and LA Art Fairs

The two LA International Art Fairs in Santa Monica this weekend were night and day different, and seeing both in one day was sensory overload. Starting at Art LA, it was all contemporary work, about materials, Postmodern fracturing of anything and everything, and experimental techniques (e.g., painting on roofing slates that are laced together as an art book). There were also great paintings by several top-notch living artists (e.g., Tom La Duke of LA, Kim Dingle of NY, and Adrian Ghenie of Romania). However, my favorite artist discovery was Caetano de Almeida of Brazil, a 3rd or 4th generation Modernist with just a small Postmodernist tweak of fracturing here and there. Presented by the LA Kontainer Gallery were six of his semi-woven grid paintings on mylar (e.g., see photo) that were both formal and edgy, clearly hand-made without computer assistance, and with gorgeous color. He also had four smaller minimalist, geometric paintings so technically clean that the quirky tilts of the rectangles are almost not noticed. His $5K-20K prices were still out of reach for most of the dressed-down crowd.
Going next to the LA Art Fair, it was big-time everything. Twice as many cars, people, galleries, wine bars, dealers, freebies and elbows. Lots of traditional art (e.g., California plein air, European Impressionism and Modernism, yesterday’s quality painters and today’s name artists), with sticker shock prices (nothing overtly over $1M). Something for each taste, eye candy all over, and lots of red dots on the labels. This year also added the LA Prints Show that was so jammed with beautiful works, it was difficult to leave without being tempted. So if you love art and cannot make it this year to all the other international art fairs in Europe, Asia, NYC, etc., then these LA art fairs are a bargain and quite informative about what is in the art market these days. On Sunday, why not try an escape from a world recession or War on Terrorism?

Friday, January 25, 2008

SCA Summer Show Opportunity

SCA member Karen Schwager has arranged with Pat Sparkle for for an SCA summer exhibition at the Wells Fargo Bank in Laguna Beach. It will run from June through August, which coincides with the art tourism season in Laguna Beach. Planning for this show will begin at the Calafia show opening on Feb 13 and via E-Mail. Generally, the terms for operation will be the same as in past shows, as follows:

1. A Saturday opening during bank business hours
2. Open hours are the same as bank hours. Hopefully, we can post a sign outside and inside.
3. No requirement for gallery sitting the show. Bank security in effect.
4. A posted list of art works with prices and contact phone numbers
5. An SCA artist book with one-page formated image and art statement
6. Framed, ready to hang artwork. Space limitation about 36" x 36" max (within the wall wainscoting).
7. Limited pieces of sculpture provided with available pedestals
8. Desire high quality and socially acceptable public art only (bank acceptable standard).

This show possibly runs in parallel with our Chapman University show, so more discussion is needed for concensus of how to manage and staff and fill two shows, or reschedule the Chapman show. Should we have one themed show and one members open show? Coordination meeting to be arranged in April. Now we invite those interested in showing and candidate show names from members. Please E-Mail your interest and show names for the Wells Fargo Bank show to Karen Schwager at

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hello SCA members:

I am updating the roster for 2008. However, I need to know who paid their membership. You can either email me or contact our gracious, talented and competent new Treasurer Paula van der Lans.

Thanks, Carole Gelker

Saturday, January 19, 2008

SCA Calafia Show Postcards and E-Mails

Postcards for the Calafia Show have arrived and will be distributed by mail. We ordered 250 cards, and we have about 20 members intending to enter, so each person will receive 10 cards. Also, a Calafia Show E-Mail announcement will be sent, so that you can also add your name, etc. and forward to friends and collectors. We will rely mostly on your participation for the show publicity.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New SCA Publicity Chairperson for 2008

Our new SCA member, Marie Martin, has volunteered to chair our SCA publicity activities. Many thanks, Marie, and thanks also for hosting our January planning meeting at your studio. Besides Marie's talents as a painter and her enthusiasm for this position, she draws on her past corporate experience in public relations. SCA may not have a comparable budget for this activity, but if it generates greater attendance at our art shows and possible art reviews in the media, then we have lots of praise for her efforts. And if you have a new idea for publicity, contact Marie Martin at

Exciting Art Opening This Week at Gallery C

8 Under 28
Group show of young Southern California Artists
January 17 – March 1, 2008
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 17, 7–10 p.m.
Gallery C1225 Hermosa Ave.,
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Tel, 310-798-0102, Fax, 310-798-0039
Exhibition Director, Mat Gleason
Web site,
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Please direct e-mail inquiries about the exhibition to the gallery’s address (above); DO NOT use “Reply” button, it will send to ArtScene.
To view formatted version of this announcement online:
Gallery C is pleased to present 8 Under 28, a survey of eight important young Los Angeles-based artists. Many young artists are turning their backs on five decades of grandfather’s Pop Art and the aging pointlessness of Post-Modernism. These eight locals lead a generational shift with an art that embraces reckless certainty and conceptual purposefulness. Their work, in a variety of media, abandons both the tidy illustrations of academic theory and the cult of the well-made fetish object. 8 Under 28 is an affirmative leap away from two previous generations of artists serving the calculations of image-driven art styles and machinations of an art world out-of touch with life itself.
About the 8 Artists:
Erin Dunn subverts slacker art in her monumental doodles that border on the majestic.
Sarah Elise pulls photography back into the physical with hands-on, non-digital Polaroids depicting a contemporary, yet timeless cool Americana.
Asad Faulwell pastiches remnants of opposing cultures to create new dialogues beyond the conventions of good/bad, right/wrong that pass for political and aesthetic discourse these days.
Omar Gallegos has mastered a timeless Neo-Latin realism that is equal parts visits to cathedrals and circuses.
Stephanie Mercado populates an eerie, dramatic backdrop with characters as surreal as they are exquisitely illustrated.
Ian E. Pines paints bold abstractions that are defiantly anti-iconic yet paradoxically effuse optimism for art.
Arturo Ernesto Romo-Santillano is a sophisticated provocateur whose art critiques the nature of critical inquiry itself with a dry, unnerving humor.
Lorrie Waldie creates environments and installations that balance the ephemeral (fleeting) with the evocative (collectible).
Gallery C Exhibition Director Mat Gleason has concluded, “The search for a radical medium has inhibited the growth of art. When it comes to fine art, the medium is definitely NOT the message. The next generation of fine artists… they know this. I am excited about putting this much new creative energy under one roof.”

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Art critiques

One of the possible uses of this SCA blog site is soliciting feedback/critiques on your artwork in progress. Rather than waiting for a monthly meeting or for a friend to drop by, consider posting a digital image of one of your works and requesting constructive critiques from SCA members. Maybe you are not so sure if your piece is finished/balanced/dynamic/harmonious or whatever. So you write a paragraph that describes your intent, and what kind of comments and feedback that you would like. This is a semi-public space, but think of the value to your personal growth to get a broad set of collective comments.

To illustrate this practice, here is one of my paintings in work, and I invite your comments via blog comments or by E-Mail if you would like to indulge in larger remarks. Titled "Night Court #1", it is a night landscape that pushes towards a geometric abstraction. The lights are contributed by sodium (yellow) and halogen (cool white) lights on a wall of a handball court. Comments are requested concerning any aspect of the painting. I am an expressive brush painter, and this painting has started a series of paintings that are now shown on my website.
Thanks for your comments. Thom Wright at

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

SCA Calafia Art Show News

Planning and scheduling for the SCA Calafia Art Show in February:

1. February 10, Sunday, receive art at the gallery from 12:00 noon to 1:30PM. Owner Ann Andreas says she will hang the art that day. Bring ready to hang work. Also bring entry fee of $10 and artwork summary information printed on paper or card:
-Title, Artist Name, Medium, Size, Year, Price
2. February 13, Wednesday, our exhibit opening party will be from 6:00 to 9:00PM. Lynn Morgan will direct of hospitality, with participating members bringing finger foods.
3. Gallery hours: Mon-Fri, 11am to 3pm (same as for the Green Parrot Cafe).
4. The exhibit will close on Friday, March 14, and art pick up on Saturday,March 15, from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon.
5. If any piece is sold, the artist will receive 60% with the balance to Calafia, so price your work accordingly.
6. All members, with family and friends are welcome to the opening.
7. Show post card announcements will be distributed at the SCA January 15 meeting.

Currently, there are 17 SCA members who have agreed to enter this show. If anyone else is interested, then notify Eileen Anderson via E-Mail.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

LA International Photography Show

Those interested in photography can't miss this art show next week.
Call your friends and car pool to:

photo l.a. 2008
Friday, January 11 and Saturday, January 12, noon to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 13, noon to 6:00 p.m.

3021 Airport Ave.,
Santa Monica, CA 90405

CONTACT: Tim FlemingTel: 323.937.4659, fax: 323.937.5523
Web site,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Art Show Opportunity

For any California artists who want to show at the Huntington Beach Art Center, here is your chance at the "Centered on the Center" Show. The first 200 artists to submit this Friday and Saturday, Jan 4th and 5th can exhibit work up to 72" and weight up to 50 lbs. Participation fee is $15 for one and $25 for two works. With a popular show opening where Linda Wright sold at last year's event. Check it out at